Access the product assortment, and click on the category of interest to you.
To select an item for your shopping cart, click on the 'ADD TO CART' button located next to the item desired. You may view the items in your shopping cart at anytime by clicking on the 'VIEW CART' button located on the right side, both at the top and at the bottom on your screen. You may change your selection or the number of items in your cart at anytime.
When you have completed your shopping -
- Select the province to which your items are to be shipped.
- Click on the 'RECALCULATE' button to add the shipping cost to your order.
- Click on the 'PAYMENT' button to select the payment option of your choice.
- Fill out the order form.
Note - If you wish to have your order shipped to an address other than your home address - please include this address under "Shipping Address" on the order form.
When you have completed the form, click on the 'CONTINUE' button. Choose one of the payment options then click on the 'CONTINUE' button.
For payment by credit card, the full amount of your order will be transmitted to our PayPal secure server.
If you already have an account with PayPal, simply follow the instructions to authorize payment. If you have never uses PayPal before, you will need to follow the instructions to open your account.